Quality Engineering: to deliver more than promised

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” – A Quality Engineer With new technologies emerging ever so often, testing at various stages of production becomes necessary but not sufficient. While testing ensures that the programs behind the user experience are error free, there needs to be a mechanism within […]

Product and prioritization: meeting consumer needs

“Make your customer the hero of your stories.” – Ann Handley Introduction In a customer-driven market, where needs and choices are constantly evolving, it can be exciting for a team to build a user experience or a product that is continuously evolving. At times, the never-ending process can be daunting as there is a constant need […]

Path to production: creating checkpoints

Agile methodology has transformed the way that software development processes are conceptualized and implemented. Not only has it changed the way the design cycle works, but it has also changed the approach to the management of the design cycles, thereby opening up scope for further automation and efficient output production. Design cycles are not looked […]

Making digital transformation your company’s DNA

“Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when, in fact, something extraordinary is taking place.” – Suzy Ross In pursuit of this extraordinary, whom today can risk being left behind in this booming digital era? As an organization, you need to ask yourself what solutions or applications can be used to make […]